Added on 22/08/2011
Brit in Beirut
Beirut , Lebanon , policeman

BRIT IN BEIRUT: Indicator lights are for the weak. Do not expect your fellow drivers to use them. If they do, it’s done to lull you into a false sense of security…
Added on 18/08/2011
Common Ground News Service
Beirut , Lebanon , South Lebanon , United Nations Population Fund , Women , Women's issues

LAMA TABET: I had to teach groups of poor Lebanese women how to manage household budgets. Everything was going fine until one group presented me with a major problem.
Added on 11/08/2011
Juan Cole
Abdullah , Alternative Energy , Amman , Beirut , Brazil , Cairo , China , Energy , European Union , France , Germany , Iran , Israel , Jordan , King Abdullah , Middle East , Oil , port of Aqaba , Romania , Satellite channels , Solar energy , Soviet Union , Tajikistan , Tehran , The Star , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , Western Europe , Zambia

JUAN COLE: Klingons and Romulans wandering through the souk in Aqaba? Could be sooner than you think if King Abdullah’s ambitious plans come to fruition.
Added on 07/08/2011
Michael J. Totten
Anwar Sadat , Armin Rosen , Army , Beirut , Bucharest , Budapest , Cairo , Center for Political and Strategic Studies , Democracy , EGP , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Electricity , Europe , Food and Drink , Free Egypt Party , Gamal Abdel Nasser , head of state , Hizballah , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Journalist , Lebanon , Middle East , Mohamed Hussein Tantawi , Mohammad Adel , Muslim Brotherhood , Paranoia , Prague , Prime Minister , Salafist , Supreme Council of the Armed Forces , Sweden , Syria , Tahrir Square , United States , vice chairman , Wafd , Wafd Party , Zamalek

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: I’ve spent a lot of time with the key players in Egypt’s developing democracy. It’s very clear that the real battle for the country’s – and the region’s – future has just begun.
Added on 02/08/2011
Common Ground News Service
Beirut , Cairo , Congress , Egypt , Finance , John , Lebanon , London , Prime Minister , Saudi Arabia , Security Council , Tunisia , United Nations , United States , Women , Women's issues , Yemen

CGNEWS: Not a single woman was appointed to the recently unveiled Lebanese cabinet. 30 men now govern Lebanon. It’s, unfortunately, indicative of larger problems in society.
Added on 26/07/2011
Mich Cafe
Beirut , Energy , Lebanon , Mediterranean , Mount , Mount Lebanon , Sporting Club , Tripoli

MICH CAFE: Many places were out of bounds during the Civil War so it came as an enormous pleasure to wander freely during my recent trip.
Added on 23/07/2011
Alexander McNabb
BBC , Beirut , Internet , Lebanese government , Lebanon , Microsoft , Middle East , Ministry of Agriculture , President , Prime Minister

ALEXANDER MCNABB: The image above is from the Lebanese Ministry of Telecommunications website.These are the people responsible for the Internet in Lebanon…
Added on 19/07/2011
Al-Hayat , Beirut , Cairo , Facebook , Hanan al-Shaykh , Ibrahim Aslan , Journalist , Kindle , Lebanon , Literature , London , Middle East , Morocco , Muslim Brotherhood , Peter Theroux , Raja Alem , Riyadh , School of Oriental and African Studies , Social Media , The Maghreb , The Yacoubian Building , Twitter

M. LYNX-QUALEY: In a wide-ranging discussion at the Shubbak festival Hassan Daoud, the Lebanese novelist and journalist, had much to say…
Added on 14/07/2011
Common Ground News Service
Arabs , Beirut , Dubai , Greece , Iraq , Lebanon , London , Multiculturalism , Nada Akl , Poland , Portugal , Salman Rushdie , School of Oriental and African Studies , Sweden , United Kingdom

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: A festival held recently in London brought Arabs and non-Arabs together to reflect upon and celebrate true mutliculturalism.
Added on 11/07/2011
Michael J. Totten
Afghanistan , Beirut , Cairo , Damascus , Democracy , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Iraq , Lebanon , Muslim Brotherhood , Romania , Somalia , Tahrir Square , The Star

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: It’s my first trip back to the ‘Capital of the Arab World’ for a while and though much remains as ever there have been striking changes since the revolution.
Added on 22/06/2011
Alexander McNabb
Beirut , British government , Cliffhouse restaurant , Geekfest , Kim Philby , London , Mediterranean , Shemlan

ALEXANDER MCNABB: Looking out over Beirut from Shemlan never fails to take my breath away.
Added on 17/06/2011
Mich Cafe
Art , Barcelona , Beirut , Henry Moore , Lebanon , New York , painter , Prime Minister , Rafik Hariri , Sculptor , Spain , Summer Olympics

MICHE CAFE: I love these huge figures. They make you stop, think… And the idea of public works of art, open for all to see and appreciate, or disparage – is brilliant.
Added on 15/06/2011
Michael J. Totten
Bashar al-Assad , Beirut , Damascus , Hizballah , Lebanon , Libya , Syria , The Times

MICHAEL TOTTEN: Walid Jumblatt, Lebanon’s so-called political weathervane, is on the move again. Bad weather on the horizon for Bashar al-Assad, then?
Added on 21/05/2011
Michael J. Totten
activist and journalist , Aleppo , Bashar al-Assad , Beirut , Damascus , guard , Iran , Israel , Jerusalem , Lebanon , Libya , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Middle East , Prime Minister , Rafik Hariri , Security services , Syria

MICHAEL TOTTEN: There have, according to Bashar Assad, been some ‘mistakes’. The only real mistake by Western powers however is to believe what the President tells them.
Added on 16/05/2011
Alexander McNabb
Beirut , Facebook , Google+ , Gulf News , Online media , Privacy , Social Media , Twitter

ALEXANDER MCNABB: It would do as well to be aware that you’re now essentially a public figure. And you’re leaving footprints behind all the time…
Added on 11/05/2011
Omar al-Issawi
Afghanistan , Al Ahram , Algeria , Anwar Sadat , Beirut , Christianity , Christmas , Easter , Egypt , Europe , Gamal Abdul Nasser , Grand Mosque , Hamas , Hizballah , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Lebanon , Libya , Mecca , Michel Aflaq , Middle East , Oil , Osama Bin Laden , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Peace , President , Salah Al Bitar , Spain , Sudan , Syria , Tehran , the Egyptian daily , Turkey , United States , US House of Representatives , Yasser Arafat

OMAR AL ISSAWI: The latest round of sectarian strife in Egypt is not about sectarian confrontation. It is about ignorance.
Added on 09/05/2011
James M. Dorsey
Activist , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Bashar al-Assad , Beirut , Bin Laden , Censorship , Colonel , East Africa , Electricity , Facebook , Foreign media , Libya , Media , Media outlets , Mediterranean , Middle East , Moammar Qaddafi , North Africa , Osama Bin Laden , President , Syria , Syrian government , Syrian military , Tripoli , Twitter , Yemen

JAMES M. DORSEY: Embattled regimes have failed in their effort to choke off independent reporting to ensure that their version of events dominates the news.
Added on 05/05/2011
Rachel McArthur
American University , Artist , Beirut , Dubai , Gulf News , Lebanon , Middle East , Music , Osama Bin Laden , United Arab Emirates

RACHEL MCARTHUR: Remember the name Mashrou Leila (Leila’s Project), because we guarantee this band will become a household name very soon.
Added on 27/04/2011
Mich Cafe
AED , Beirut , Dubai , Egypt , Lebanon , United Arab Emirates

MICH CAFE: It works for pizza, why not for shisha? An enterprising Beirut businessman spotted a gap in the market and has a Vespa equipped staff to fill it.
Added on 21/04/2011
Al Ahram Weekly , Alexandria , Arabian Gulf , AUC Press , Bahaa Taher , Bahrain , Beirut , Cairo , Catherine Cobham , Christina Phillips , Columbia University , Denys Johnson-Davies , Editor-in-Chief , Edward Said , Egypt , Elias Khoury , Emile Habibi , Gamal al-Ghitani , Ghassan Kanafani , Google+ , Haifa , Hanan al-Shaykh , Hassan Nasrallah , Humphrey Davies , Ibrahim Abdel Meguid , Ibrahim al-Koni , Ibrahim Aslan , Ibrahim Jabra , Indiana University , Iraq , Islah party , Italy , Khairy Shalaby , Kuwait , Literature , Minister of Information , Morocco , Mourid Barghouti , Naguib Mahfouz , Novelist , Paris , Peter Theroux , Qatar , Radwa Ashour , Rashad Abu Shawar , Salwa Bakr , Samia Mehrez , Shakir Mustafa , Syracuse University , Syria , Tawfiq al-Hakim , United Kingdom , William Hutchins , Yemen Times , Yusuf Idris

M. LYNX-QUALEY: The Arab Writers Union has listed the Top 100 Arabic novels. Puzzling, annoying, lists such as this are nevertheless fun.