Added on 10/07/2012
Alexander McNabb
Beirut , Cliffhouse restaurant , Dubai , Geekfest , Lebanon , Shemlan

ALEXANDER MCNABB: It’s impossible to resist Beirut’s diverse and immutable charms. So why bother?
Added on 28/06/2012
Ramzy Baroud
Al Qaeda , Arab League , Beirut , Fatah , Israel , Israeli army , Jordan , Lebanese army , Lebanese government , Lebanon , Media outlets , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Palestinians , Real Estate , Syria , The Daily Star , Tripoli , United Nations

RAMZY BAROUD: 450,000 UN-registered refugees live in Lebanon. They subsist in poverty, living in 12 concentration style camps, denied basic rights and lack nominal political horizons.
Added on 20/05/2012
Common Ground News Service
Beirut , Lebanon , Literature , Nada Akl

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: Rather than the endless squabbles of politicians which dominate Lebanese debate we can now hear other voices.
Added on 19/05/2012
Beirut , Cairo , Censorship , Chicago , Egypt , Galal Amin , Gamal El-Ghitani , Gulf Cooperative Council , Ibrahim Abdel Meguid , Ibrahim Aslan , Ibrahim Farghali , Khairy Shalaby , Kuwait , Kuwait Times , Libya , Literature , Middle East , Ministry of Information , Tunisia

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Kuwait always features highly in lists of press freedom in the Arab world but it keeps a tight rein on literature
Added on 14/04/2012
Susie of Arabia
Abdullah , Bahrain , BBC News , Beirut , Faisal , Lebanon , princess , Saud bin Abdul Aziz , Saudi Arabia , Social services , Switzerland , Syria , United Kingdom , Women , Women's issues , Yemen

SUSIE OF ARABIA: She is the niece of the current ruler of Saudi Arabia but is unafraid to point out the shortcomings she sees in the Kingdom.
Added on 04/04/2012
Common Ground News Service
Abdul Hadi , Beirut , Google+ , Journalism , Musician , Nada Akl , Photography , photojournalist , Tamara Abdul Hadi

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: A project by an Iraqi Canadian photojournalist confronts cliche and stereotype
Added on 29/03/2012
Common Ground News Service
Arab Spring , Beirut , Egypt , important tools , Iran , Middle East , Nada Akl , Online activism , Online media , Pakistan , Social Media , Twitter

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: Despite being the fifth most spoken language in the world, just over 1% of content on the web is in Arabic
Added on 16/03/2012
Rachel McArthur
Abu Dhabi , Artist , Bashar al-Assad , Beirut , Entertainment , Lebanon , Media outlets , President , Singer , Syria , Syrian army

RACHEL MC ARTHUR: He’s been getting a lot of attention but what’s really behind his criticism of Basher al Assad?
Added on 29/02/2012
Alexander McNabb
Alpha , Android , Beirut , Dubai , iPhone , London , Operating system , Telecommunications , UAE , United Kingdom , United States

ALEXANDER MCNABB: You’ve had to listen to how much fun your i-Phone dabbing friends have with Siri. Now it’s your turn.
Added on 22/02/2012
America , Anthony Shadid , Beirut , Healthcare , Journalism , Lebanon , Levant , Middle East , Mount , Mount Lebanon , New York , Oklahoma , Syria , The Washington Post , United States

ANOUAR MAJID, TABSIR: The sudden demise of Anthony Shadid calls to mind the work of one of his relations.
Added on 18/02/2012
Michael J. Totten
Army , Assad , Beirut , Damascus , Facebook , Hizballah , KGB , Lebanon , Syria , The Wall Street Journal , YouTube

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: There isn’t a lot to laugh about in Syria at the moment but try telling that to the Syrians themselves.
Added on 13/02/2012
Juan Cole
Beirut , bodyguard , Egypt , Facebook , Haifa Wahbi , Hind Aleryani , Istanbul , Middle East , Nelson Mandela , Political activist , President , South Africa , Twitter , United States , Whitney Houston

JUAN COLE: Arab musicians and artists have been fulsome in their praise of Whitney Houston who died yesterday.
Added on 26/12/2011
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Army , Beirut , Cairo , Christianity , Christmas , Egypt , George W. Bush , Hizbullah , Hosni Mubarak , Iraq , Lebanon , Middle East , Mosul , Nancy Ajram , Northern Iraq , Palestine Liberation Organization , President , US Federal Reserve , Wafd , Wafd Party , West Bank

JUAN COLE: The some 12 million Arab Christians (out of plus 350 million Arabs) are very much agents in their own fates. They make alliances, and sometimes switch them.
Added on 21/12/2011
Steve Royston
Abdulaziz , Abdullah , America , Anglo-Iranian Oil Company , Beirut , Churchill , co-author , Cyprus , David Ben Gurion , Egypt , Faisal , Gamal Abdul Nasser , Hafez Assad , India , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Jordan , Kim Philby , Lawrence , Lebanon , Literature , London , Middle East , Moscow , New York Times , Paul Wolfowitz , Politics , Prime Minister , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Tehran , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States

STEVE ROYSTON: Book Review: Here you’ll find the Britons and Americans – proconsuls, agents provocateurs, spies, politicians – that shaped the Middle East.
Added on 08/11/2011
Juan Cole
Aleppo , Arab Spring , Ba'athist , Bashar al-Assad , Ba’ath Party , Beirut , Bush Administration , Cairo , Christian Palestinian , Damascus , Democracy , Egypt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , Obama , Orthodox Catholic Church , Palestinian Territories , President , Republican Party , Rick Santorum , Syria , The Daily Star , Turkey , United States , Washington

JUAN COLE: In their quest to find an ABM (‘Anyone But Mitt’), the American Right have hit upon Gingrich. Let’s hear what he has to say about the MidEast.
Added on 28/10/2011
Abu Dhabi , Al Hamra , Al-Hijrah , Amman , Beirut , Blue Mosque , Christmas , Cyprus , Damascus , Dubai , Dubai Mall , Easter , Eid , Eid Al- Fitr , Eid Al-Adha , Food and Drink , India , Islamic New Year , Istanbul , Kerala , Muscat , New Year's Day , Oman , Photos , Sofia , Sri Lanka , Tunis , UAE's National Day , Umbria , United Arab Emirates

THE HEDONISTA: Eid al Adha has been my favourite – the last few years it has fallen far enough out of summer it occurs with the change of season.
Added on 25/10/2011
James Mullan
Beirut , Hezbollah , Hizballah , Lebanese government , Lebanon , Telecommunications

NEWS ANALYSIS: Hezbollah’s plan to install a private telecommunications network in Lebanon is facing stiff opposition from residents in its path.
Added on 21/10/2011
Juan Cole
Abu Salim prison , Arab League , Baghdad , Beirut , Brazil , congressman , Egypt , Food and Drink , International Criminal Court , Jim Jones , Jonestown , Liberia , Libya , Mediterranean , Myanmar , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil production , Oil states , Poland , President , Qaddafi , Scotland , Security Council , Sierra Leone , Transitional National Council , Tripoli , Tunisia

JUAN COLE: The demise of Qaddafi means there’s a contiguous bloc of 100 million Arabs who’ve thrown off dictatorship. The violent end was inevitable.
Added on 05/10/2011
Common Ground News Service
Beirut , Civil society , Cross Cultures Project Association , Lebanon , Programme Coordinator , South Lebanon , US Federal Reserve , Women's issues

JUUL PETERSEN, CGNEWS: Young women throughout Lebanon are benefitting hugely from an initiative to set up sports clubs throughout the country
Added on 03/10/2011
Syria News Wire
Anthony Shadid , Beirut , Homs , Iraq , Lebanon , Syria , The New York Times

NEWS FROM SYRIA: There have been a series of assassinations in Syria over the past week which have borne comparison with the sectarian vendettas that still beset neighbouring Iraq.