Added on 18/01/2012
Common Ground News Service
Baghdad , CEO , Cyprus , East Africa , Iraq , Iraqi government , Israel , Middle East , North Africa , Sabah , Singer

NAAVA MASHIAH, CGNEWS: I have a love of Arabic music and poetry to an extent that baffles my father. Not unusual really since we’re Israeli Jews
Added on 12/01/2012
Richard Silverstein
Baghdad , BBC , Deputy Governor , France , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Israeli government , Israeli intelligence , Majid Shahriari , MEK , Mossad , Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan , Nuclear , Nuclear energy , President , Reuters , State Terrorism , United States

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: I am not a supporter of Iran’s nuclear program. But I am even less a supporter of assassination as state policy.
Added on 02/01/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Asaf Ali Zardari , Baghdad , Bahrain , Binyamin Netanyahu , China , Congress , Egypt , Egyptian military , Foreign Policy , Gaza , Iran , Iraq , Islamabad , Israel , Muslim Brotherhood , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Nouri al-Maliki , Pakistan , President , Prime Minister , Red Sea , Saudi Arabia , South Asia , Syria , Tehran , Turkey , U.S. Congress , United States , Washington , Yemen

JUAN COLE: Many of the dangers to which I pointed in last year’s list still exist, of course, but a whole host of new difficulties has emerged.
Added on 07/12/2011
Dhofari Gucci
Baghdad , Oman , Oxford , Royal Opera House , US Federal Reserve

NADIA: The Grand Mufti of Oman has deemed it unacceptable for Muslims to visit the newly opened Royal Opera House in Muscat. Much debate has ensued.
Added on 08/11/2011
Crossroads Arabia
Abdul Wahhab , Baghdad , Islam , Islamic Development Bank , Religious law , Samar Fatany , Saudi Arabia

CROSSROADS ARABIA: When the door of “ijtihad” was closed, the consensus was there would be no more independent reasoning in religious law
Added on 21/10/2011
Juan Cole
Abu Salim prison , Arab League , Baghdad , Beirut , Brazil , congressman , Egypt , Food and Drink , International Criminal Court , Jim Jones , Jonestown , Liberia , Libya , Mediterranean , Myanmar , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil production , Oil states , Poland , President , Qaddafi , Scotland , Security Council , Sierra Leone , Transitional National Council , Tripoli , Tunisia

JUAN COLE: The demise of Qaddafi means there’s a contiguous bloc of 100 million Arabs who’ve thrown off dictatorship. The violent end was inevitable.
Added on 22/08/2011
Juan Cole
Africa , Al Qaeda , Arab League , Baghdad , Barack Obama , Ben Ali , BP , chess , Egypt , Europe , France , George W. Bush , Hosni Mubarak , India , Iran , John McCain , Lebanon , Libya , McClatchy , Netherlands , Nicolas Sarkozy , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama administration , Oil , oil markets , oil prices , Oil wealth , Pentagon , President , Prime Minister , Robert Gates , Saif al-Islam Qaddafi , Secretary of Defense , Silvio Berlusconi , Spain , Tobruk , Transitional National Council , Tripoli , Tunisia , United Kingdom , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , Western Europe , Western Mountain region , Zine el Abidine Ben Ali

JUAN COLE: It is worthwhile reviewing the myths about the Libyan Revolution that led so many observers to make so many fantastic or just mistaken assertions about it.
Added on 15/08/2011
Juan Cole
Baath government , Baghdad , Bashar al-Assad , Damascus , Hillary Clinton , Iran , Iraq , Iraqi government , Middle East , Mosul , Nouri al-Maliki , Patrick Seale , Prime Minister , Secretary of State , Shiite government , Syria , Syrian government , The New York Times , United States , Washington

JUAN COLE: It looks as if Tehran has leaned on Nouri al-Maliki to keep shtum about the ongoing protests in Syria. Washington won’t be happy.
Added on 14/08/2011
Steve Royston
Baghdad , Cairo , Church of the Holy Sepulchre , Herod’s Temple , Israel , Istanbul , Jerusalem , London , Middle East , Palestine , political solutions , Riyadh , Rome , Simon Sebag Montefiore , United Kingdom , Winston Churchill

STEVE ROYSTON: It’s a city that is sacred to Muslims, Christians and Jews but it appears to have attracted its fair share of ‘complicated characters’ in its rich past.
Added on 28/04/2011
Ramzy Baroud
America , American Enterprise Institute , Baghdad , Benghazi , CNN , Hillary Clinton , Iraq , Joe Biden , John McCain , Libya , Mike Mullen , Moammar Ghaddafi , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Obama administration , President , Reuters , Saddam Hussein , Secretary of State , Syria , Transitional National Council , United States , Washington , Washington Post

RAMZY BAROUD: There is a lot of discussion and political calculation bouncing around the corridors of power in Washington about Libya.
Added on 02/04/2011
Steve Royston
Baghdad , Bahrain , BBC , Beirut , Facebook , Hizballah , Iran , Kuala Lumpur , Local media , Malaysia , Manama , Pearl Roundabout , policeman , Salmaniya Hospital , Saudi Arabia , Social Media , South Asia , Thailand , The New York Times

STEVE ROYSTON: The past two weeks have witnessed enormous upheaval in the tiny island of Bahrain. On my return from holiday the changes are immediately evident.
Added on 10/03/2011
Ramzy Baroud , Arabs , Baghdad , Basra , British government , Civil society , Egypt , Facebook , Gaza , George W. Bush , internationally-syndicated columnist and the editor , Iraq , Jerusalem , Kirkuk , Libya , London , Middle East , Mosul , , Palestinian Territories , Pluto Press , Tunisia , Twitter , United Kingdom , United States ,

RAMZY BAROUD: Arabs are ripping up the humiliating caricatures of the region imposed by the West, as they tear down authoritarian regimes, and begin to build truly civilized, and free societies.
Added on 05/01/2011
Osama Al Sharif
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Alexandria , Baghdad , Condoleezza Rice , Coptic Church , Copts , Egypt , Egyptian government , Iran , Iraq , Islam , Israel , Lebanon , Middle East , New Year's Day , Pakistan , policeman , Reuters , Secretary of State , Somalia , Sudan , Terrorism , UN Court , United States , Washington , Yemen

OSAMA AL SHARIF: Christians are not the only victims of sectarian terror: Mosques, shrines, religious parades have been targeted indiscriminately, affecting Sunnis, Shias and other sects…
Added on 29/12/2010
Bassam Sebti
America , Baghdad , Christmas , Iraq , Prime Minister

BASSAM SEBTI: The message in the video is powerful, urging Iraqis to stand up and start rebuilding their country themselves, instead of waiting for others…
Added on 19/12/2010
Prince El Hassan bin Talal
Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Baghdad , Barack Obama , Cairo , Chanukah , Christmas , Common Ground News Service , Dubai , Eid Al-Adha , guard , Holy Temple , Iran , Iraq , Iraqi government , Jerusalem , Mecca , Middle East , Pakistan , Peace , President , United States , Yemen

HRH PRINCE EL HASSAN BIN TALAL: It was a year which began with much promise and, whisper it, hope around the Middle East. It ends, however, with feelings that are all too familiar…
Added on 03/12/2010
Crossroads Arabia
AK party , Ali Ibrahim , Baghdad , Cablegate , Censorship , Department of State , Editor-in-Chief , Europe , Facebook , international official , Islamic Republic of Iran , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Minister of Foreign Affairs , President , Prime Minister , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Saudi Press Agency , Tariq Alhomayed , Turkey , United States , US government , Wikileaks

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Saudi media is taking note of the WikiLeaks phenomenon. This piece from Arab News reflects the best and smartest policy that the Saudi government could follow: refuse comment.
Added on 29/11/2010
Naseem Tarawnah
Abdullah , Amman , Baghdad , Clinton , David Hale , Hamas , Hizballah , Iran , Iraq , Iraqi government , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Qatar , Shia , Syria , Tehran , U.S. , United States , US embassy , US embassy in Amman , US government , Wikileaks

NASEEM TARAWNAH: One particular cable is a rather clear reflection of its stance and growing concerns regarding Iran – “Beware the Iranian Tentacles … and Cut Them Off,” reads the summary…
Added on 24/11/2010
James M. Dorsey
Atlantic coast , Baghdad , Beirut , Cairo , California , Casablanca , Copenhagen , Dubai , Dubai airport , Dubai Political System , East Africa , Eastern Europe , Egypt , executive director , Gaza , Hamas , Heavy Metal , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Kuwait , Lebanon , Media outlets , metal , Middle East , Morocco , Muhammad VI , Musician , Muslim Brotherhood , North Africa , Persian Gulf , Political systems , President , rapper , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Shiraz , The Star , TNT , United Arab Emirates , United States , University of California , YouTube

JAMES M. DORSEY: As dark as that moment was for Casablancan rockers, the trial was a turning point setting Morocco on a path to becoming one of the Arab world’s more liberal societies when it comes to alternative lifestyles.
Added on 09/10/2010
Al-Hayat , Baghdad , Berlin , Iraq , London , Margaret Obank , Oil , Poet , Sinan Antoon , Youssef Rakha

A new translation of Boulus poem made M. Lynx Qualey reflect on how little-known the towering, excellent Boulus is in English—outside of Banipal readers.