
A Force for Freedom, Mohamed Hashem

A Force for Freedom, Mohamed Hashem

M.LYNX-QUALEY: At a press conference today, award-winning author Mohamed Hashem was the target of accusations by the SCAF’s General Adel Emara.

 Common Ground News Service

Women Must Claim Their Place in ‘Arab Spring’

Women Must Claim Their Place in ‘Arab Spring’

NATANA J. DELONG-BAS, CGNEWS: They have confronted Western stereotypes and achieved much – but will they actively participate actively in emerging democracies?

 Common Ground News Service

Women With Men Directing Winds of Change

Women With Men Directing Winds of Change

CARLA KOPPELL: Women’s role must be honoured in the struggle and protect against the fundamentalist push. Most importantly, their involvement will be key to enabling thriving societies