Added on 29/06/2011
Syria News Wire
Aref Dalila , Satellite TV , Syria

NEWS FROM SYRIA: Foreign journalists allowed in? Recognition that there is, actually, an opposition? Great, but old habits die hard in Damascus.
Added on 31/03/2011
Omar al-Issawi
Ali Abdullah Saleh , Aref Dalila , Beirut , Ben Ali , Damascus , Egypt , Food and Drink , Hafez Al Assad , Healthcare , Hillary Clinton , Iraq , Kuwait , Libya , London , Middle East , Mubarak , Muslim Brotherhood , Poet , President , Secretary of State , Syria , Syrian government , United States , Yemen

OMAR AL-ISSAWI: It’s a ‘plot’, ‘foreign elements’ are at work, the word ‘conspiracy’ is never far from the lips of Syria’s official spokespeople. We’ve heard it all before – from Ben Ali, Mubarak, Gaddafi and Ali Abdullah Saleh.