
‘Come and See A Skeleton’: Response to Issawi’s Invite

‘Come and See A Skeleton’: Response to Issawi’s Invite

IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: The Palestinian hunger striker Samer Issawi sent a letter to prominent Israelis inviting them to see him in prison. There have been radically different responses.

 Common Ground News Service

Palestine/Israel: A Tragedy ‘In The Purest Sense’

Palestine/Israel: A Tragedy ‘In The Purest Sense’

MICHAEL FELSEN, CGNEWS: The writing of Anton Chekhov provides a picture of how Palestinians and Israelis will end their conflict

 Jonathan Cook

Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing: The Case of Munther Fahmi

Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing: The Case of Munther Fahmi

JONATHAN COOK: “There is clearly a policy to push Palestinians out of Jerusalem to reduce what is called here the Palestinian demographic threat…”