Naseem Tarawnah

Jordan Swings Open its Doors on a 5-Star Jail

Jordan Swings Open its Doors on a 5-Star Jail

NASEEM TARAWNAH: A new ‘five star jail’ has just opened in Jordan for the rich and those formerly of public office… Could it be the beginning of a regional franchise?

 Naseem Tarawnah

Praying for Rain in Jordan, Forecast Not Good…

Praying for Rain in Jordan, Forecast Not Good…

NASEEM TARAWNAH: There’s one overriding topic of conversation in Jordan these days – rain or rather its absence. Each day without rain and the prayers are becoming more desperate.

 Naseem Tarawnah

Wikileaks, Jordan and the ‘Tentacles of Iran’

Wikileaks, Jordan and the ‘Tentacles of Iran’

NASEEM TARAWNAH: One particular cable is a rather clear reflection of its stance and growing concerns regarding Iran – “Beware the Iranian Tentacles … and Cut Them Off,” reads the summary…