Added on 07/01/2013
Al Azhar , Bahaa Taher , Egypt , Egyptian Book Organization , France , Google+ , Japan , Journalist , Literature , Naguib Mahfouz , Nobel Prize , Novelist , Sayyid Qutb , Tawfiq al-Hakim , United Kingdom , Yusuf Idris

M. LYNX-QUALEY: He was nominated twice but never matched the Arab World’s only Nobel literature prize recipient, Naguib Mahfouz.
Added on 03/05/2012
Common Ground News Service
Al Azhar , Civil society , Coptic Church , Democracy , Egypt , Egypt Protests , freelance writer , International Atomic Energy Agency , Middle East , Mohamed El-Baradei , Muslim Brotherhood , Saudi Arabia , Supreme Council of the Armed Forces , UN Court

NOUR BAKR, CGNEWS: If Egypt is to succeed in creating a true democratic environment the Muslim Brotherhood must engage fully with opponents
Added on 04/12/2010
Al Ahram , Al Akhbar , Al Azhar , Artist , Egypt , Hosni Mubarak , Libya , Literature , President , The Complete Review

M. LYNX-QUALEY: Self taught novelist Idris Ali experienced many highs and lows but always wrote with conviction. He died this week aged 70.