Steve Royston

Democracy Performance Review : Could do Better

Democracy Performance Review : Could do Better

STEVE ROYSTON: The concept of government for the people and by the people – is as far from a reality at the end of 2010 as it ever was.

 Michael J. Totten

Wikileaks: History Lessons for the Stupid

Wikileaks: History Lessons for the Stupid

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Surely somewhere there’d be references to a war for oil in Iraq if the war was, in fact, about oil.

 Prince El Hassan bin Talal

Looking Back on ‘the Year that Was’ in the Middle East

Looking Back on ‘the Year that Was’ in the Middle East

HRH PRINCE EL HASSAN BIN TALAL: It was a year which began with much promise and, whisper it, hope around the Middle East. It ends, however, with feelings that are all too familiar…

 Naseem Tarawnah

Questions Raised by IAF’s Jordanian Fatwa

Questions Raised by IAF’s Jordanian Fatwa

NASEEM TARAWNAH: A recently issued fatwa from the Islamic Action Front in Jordan poses interesting questions about the internal turmoil within the Muslim Brotherhood

 Ramzy Baroud

WikiLeaks Indicts, & Vindicates, U.S. Diplomats

WikiLeaks Indicts, & Vindicates, U.S. Diplomats

RAMZY BAROUD: Despite their high number, the documents raise many questions, but answer few. Since more are coming, one must wait and see…

 Osama Al Sharif

Urgent: Fresh Arab Approach towards Iran, Palestine

Urgent: Fresh Arab Approach towards Iran, Palestine

OSAMA AL SHARIF: Focus on Iran or Afghanistan should not be at the expense of the Palestine Question, which remains crucial to peoples of the region.

 James Mullan

Meet Al Qaeda’s Greatest Nemesis – David Letterman!

Meet Al Qaeda’s Greatest Nemesis – David Letterman!

JAMES MULLAN – American propaganda efforts in their so-called ‘War on Terror’ have been superseded by Hollywood. Are we surprised?

 Jonathan Cook

Wikileaks, The U.S. and the New Global Order

Wikileaks, The U.S. and the New Global Order

JONATHAN COOK: At work here is a set of global forces that the US, in its hubris, believed it could tame in its own interests. By the early ’90s that arrogance manifested itself in the claim of the “end of history…

 Michael J. Totten

What the Wikileaks reveal about the Arab League

What the Wikileaks reveal about the Arab League

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: The publication of these leaks is eerily reminiscent of the Pentagon Papers, which exposed a decade-long attempt by U.S. officials to distort and conceal unpalatable truths about Vietnam.

 James M. Dorsey

Why the U.S. Should Push for Democracy in Egypt

Why the U.S. Should Push for Democracy in Egypt

JAMES M. DORSEY: Repression of the opposition, intimidation of the media and electoral restrictions may guarantee Mubarak’s win. But for the U.S., the perception it is perpetuating authoritarian rule may outweigh any benefits.

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