
“The Cartoonish Thoughts of a Young Brown Man”

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My friend Husam Zakharia is a Palestinian comic artist living in California. Through his website “the cartoonish inner thoughts of a young brown man,”Husam takes on Israeli and American policies, as well as the Arab Spring and consumerism. His online collection includes a few pieces themed around Palestinian hunger strikers. And with Mahmoud Sarsak and Akram Rekhawi carrying on the plight for detainee rights through 81 and 57 days of fast, respectively, I thought it relevant to post a few.

HZ shalabi
Hana Shalabi and Land Day. (Image: Husam Zakharia)
HZ adnan
Day 62. (Image: Husam Zakharia)
HZ us wars
Addicted. (Image: Husam Zakharia)
HZ erasure

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