Added on 10/06/2012
California , Cartoons , Culture , Hana Shalabi , Mahmoud Sarsak , Palestine , United States
“The Cartoonish Thoughts of a Young Brown Man”
My friend Husam Zakharia is a Palestinian comic artist living in California. Through his website “the cartoonish inner thoughts of a young brown man,”Husam takes on Israeli and American policies, as well as the Arab Spring and consumerism. His online collection includes a few pieces themed around Palestinian hunger strikers. And with Mahmoud Sarsak and Akram Rekhawi carrying on the plight for detainee rights through 81 and 57 days of fast, respectively, I thought it relevant to post a few.
Hana Shalabi and Land Day. (Image: Husam Zakharia)
Day 62. (Image: Husam Zakharia)
Addicted. (Image: Husam Zakharia)
by Mondoweiss
Mondoweiss is devoted to covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish perspective. Mondoweiss is maintained by Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz. Weiss is 55 and lives in New York state. Horowitz is 37 and lives in New York City. "We maintain this blog because of 9/11, Iraq, Gaza, the Nakba, the struggling people of Israel and Palestine, and our Jewish background."
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