The Shame and Pain of this Sorrowful Ramadan
Fasting this Ramadan is sweet and sorrowful. Every time I prepare to begin or end my fast I am gratified by the thought that I observe my fast along with millions of Muslims, who may be poor or rich and reside every continent and country. Yet I can not help but feel the pain and sorrow of the Somali mothers who lost more than 29,000 of their young children because of lack of food, and the many more who will likely starve to death this Ramadan waiting for aid workers to provide them and their families their Iftar meal.
Shameful I am that a Muslim nation has been ravaged in the name of my faith, lead by leaders whose unwavering commitment to establish their Sahria’ law have lost sight of the one tenant required of Muslim leaders; to care for the sick and tend to the poor and young. Determined they are to maintain their hold on a nation of Muslims battered and destroyed by their senseless feudal wars while unable to have the moral fortitude to address the basic needs of their people. Somalis deserve better leaders!
Shameful I am that my Muslim Somali brothers and sisters have to wait for a helping hand of the reluctant international community while they are only 20 miles away from the richest and most prosperous Muslim nations and people who can meaningfully help, but rather turn a blind eye, blame the international community, and hope others will feed the starving Somalis this Ramadan.
Fasting Ramadan requires us Muslims to be mindful that that our first responsibility is to help the needs of our people in our own community whether near or far, Muslim or other. Above all we are accountable to care for the needs of our community and abstain from engaging in the political blame game while waiting for others to lend a fist full of rice whether to Somalis’, or the poor and homeless in our immediate community or afar.
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