‘Imams, Stay Out of Politics!’: New Saudi Edict
CROSSROADS ARABIA: An interesting development in the separation of state and religion in Saudi Arabia has just occurred. …

Selling Discredited Myths: Historian or Apologist?
JEROME SLATER, MONDOWEISS: Simon Schama is a popular and highly respected historian. But Israel appears to be his blind-spot. …

‘And Poof!’: The Moment ‘The Peace Process’ Died
JUAN COLE: Israel reneged on its promises, Kerry called them out and then all hell broke loose. …

Unwanted Advice in Dhofar: It’s a ‘Love Thing’
DHOFARI GUCCI: On a recent visit to a supermarket I was confronted by someone I didn't know who wanted to change my life. It's an all too common occurrence …

Qatar 2022: New Labour Laws Set To Be Announced
JAMES M. DORSEY: With pressure mounting by the day the Qatari authorities are set to announce a huge set of changes to the kafala system …

Invisible: The Plight of Arab-American Women
MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: They have played, and continue to play, a vital role in U.S society but their voices go unheard. …

‘If Only’: A Young, Syrian Poet’s Searing Words
M. LYNX-QUALEY: A young Syrian poet writes about the horror that she has witnessed in her homeland. …