
Stakes Getting Higher by the Day in Bahrain

Stakes Getting Higher by the Day in Bahrain

GENIEVE ABDO, JASIM HUSAIN, TABSIR: While the mainstream opposition in Bahrain distances itself from Iran, the noises from Tehran are becoming more strident and belligerent


Plus ca change: Boom time for arms dealers in the Middle East

Plus ca change: Boom time for arms dealers in the Middle East

TABSIR: As missiles and bullets rain down from the skies of Libya they are falling on materiel provided by the countries whose pilots are enforcing the ‘no fly zone’. As ever, it’s a win-win for the arms dealers.


A No Fly Zone, A “CeaseFire”, but Still No End Game

A No Fly Zone, A “CeaseFire”, but Still No End Game

Daniel Varasico: Even after the “No fly zone” and the “ceasefire” there is still no more clarity on what the end game looks like in Libya.


The Parallel Ends of Mubarak and Don Giovanni

The Parallel Ends of Mubarak and Don Giovanni

DANIEL VARISCO: In ways he is a stark iconic shadow of Mubarak. In the end Don Giovanni meets his stone-cold fate: A statue of Ozymandias drags him down into hell


Ramses II, Mubarak I: Spot the Difference

Ramses II, Mubarak I: Spot the Difference

DANIEL M. VARISCO: His survival as Egypt’s modern day Pharaoh is looking less likely by the hour. How will his legacy stack up?


Ibn ‘Big Ben’ Casts its Shadow over Mecca

Ibn ‘Big Ben’ Casts its Shadow over Mecca

DANIEL MARTIN VARISCO: One understands the need to provide hotel rooms for the faithful, but Gucci bags?


New Lawrence of Arabia Bio – “Fabulously Weird”

New Lawrence of Arabia Bio – “Fabulously Weird”

TABSIR: Fanatically brave, chillingly ruthless, he was fastidious, repressed, allergic to physical contact, addicted to roasting baths. He was fabulously weird.