‘Renounce Violence’: The Way for Egypt’s Parties

MOHAMED EL SAYED, CGNEWS: The temptation to resort to violence to conduct political discourse needs to stop in Egypt
The Textbook Narrative That Demonises ‘The Other’

MICHAEL FELSEN, CGNEWS: A major study of Palestinian and Israeli textbooks provides some startling findings.
Marriage Debate ‘Touches Raw Nerve’ in Lebanon

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: The attempt by a Sunni woman and a Shi’a man to effect a civil marriage in Lebanon has brought the issue of national identity to the fore
Arabic Chat: An Encounter With Hatred On a Train

MORIEL ROTHMAN, CGNEWS: Two obviously Jewish people speaking Arabic in a public place was sure to cause a reaction.
#MyJihad: The Struggle To Reclaim a Word

MONIQUE PARSONS, CGNEWS: It is one of the most over-used yet least understood terms in relation to Islam. A concerted campaign has begun to claim it back.
The Many Different Shades of ‘Muslim Feminism’

ERIKA SANCHEZ, CGNEWS: Putting the two words side by side ‘Muslim’ and ‘Feminism’ is sure to evoke powerful reactions in many of the faithful
‘Real Gains’ Being Made by Women In Saudi Arabia

MAHA AKEEL, CGNEWS: The appointment of 30 extremely well-qualified women to the Shura Council is just the latest in a string of recent achievements for Saudi women.
A Snow Story: Our Shared, Common Humanity

RUTH EGLASH, CGNEWS: As snow fell heavily throughout the Levant last week I was reminded of how the weather levels our daily issues
‘Seed of Self-Confidence’ Grows Within Arab Women

NATALA DE-LONG BAS, CGNEWS: Two years into the Arab Spring and what advances have really been made by women in their battle for equality?
‘Be Optimistic for Egypt’: The Glass Is Half-Full

MOUSTAFA MENSHAWY, CGNEWS: You can find dozens of reasons to despair at the state of Egypt but if you look hard enough there are reasons to be cheerful
The Other Peace Process: The One That’s Alive
KADI ZAHALKA, RABBI DR RON KRONISH: The so-called political peace process has been going nowhere for a long time. There is an alternative
Corruption ‘On the Increase’ Across Arab World
NADA AKL, CGNEWS: Corruption is so deeply ingrained in societies across the Arab world that promoting transparency seems an almost hopeless task
Hip Hop Hijabis: The Rhythm and Rhyme of Debate
METTE REITZEL, CGNEWS: Their appearance, their message and their undoubted skill blend to create powerful voices confronting stereotypes
Climate Change: The Arab World Has ‘Finally Got It’

WAEL HMAIDAN, CGNEWS: The striking sight of people demonstrating in the street in Doha in favour of climate regulation is a sign of significant change
The Fear Business: Listening & Speaking Break Cycle
ARIEL KATZ, CGNEWS: It’s much easier to attack ‘the other’ when you don’t hear their stories and don’t see their pain.
#MuslimVote: The Hashtag That Changed U.S Politics

MEHRUNISA QAYYUM, CGNEWS: Analysis has revealed that Muslims played a key role in swing states in the recent U.S presidential elections
Hummus: The Tasty ‘Glue’ That Binds Jerusalemites

NATASHA TYNES, CGNEWS: Two chefs from Jerusalem – one Muslim, one Jewish – have produced a book that celebrates the food of this divided city.
“Religion for God, Egypt for All”: Interfaith Success

MAGDY AZIZ TOBIA, CGNEWS: The Family Home Initiative launched earlier this year has helped bring Muslims and Copts closer together.
Drugs Having ‘Profound Effect’ on Tunisian Youth

JIHED FREDI, CGNEWS: The recent chaos in Tunisia has allowed drug traffickers to gain a hold and they’re targetting the young with disastrous consequences
3Fs Forum: ‘All of the Big Questions Up for Discussion’

JESSICA ABRAHAMS, CGNEWS: Frank and open dialogue was the name of the game at a recent inter-faith event in the UK.