Juan Cole

‘We Heart Torture’: Zero Dark Thirty’s Message

‘We Heart Torture’: Zero Dark Thirty’s Message

KAREN J. GREENBERG, INFORMED COMMENT: It’s a deeply flawed movie with a deeply troubling message – torture is great.

 Rob L. Wagner

The Islamophobe Industry: Big Growth in U.S.

The Islamophobe Industry: Big Growth in U.S.

ROB L. WAGNER: In the United States ‘Muslim’ equals ‘Terror’ to a huge number of its citizens hence the increasing influence of Islamophobes

 Rob L. Wagner

Morsi’s Election: The Opportunity for the U.S.

Morsi’s Election: The Opportunity for the U.S.

ROB L. WAGNER: There’s no doubt that alarm bells were ringing in Washington with the news of Morsi’s election. It does, though, present an opportunity


The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire


Manal’s Speech: Three Lines of Attack by Saudis

Manal’s Speech: Three Lines of Attack by Saudis

EMAN AL NAFJAN: The 17 minute speech that Manal Al Sharif delivered on receiving the Vaclav Havel Prize last week has unleashed a hail of vitriol

 American Bedu

The Question: Where Were You On 9/11?”

The Question: Where Were You On 9/11?”

AMERICAN BEDU: I was in CIA Headquarters in Virginia and my soon-to-be Saudi husband was in Pakistan on the day the whole world remembers.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Norway Killings A Challenge To Anti-Muslim Sentiment

Norway Killings A Challenge To Anti-Muslim Sentiment

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Last week’s horror has the potential to change the discourse again, away from anti-Muslim sentiment.