Juan Cole

‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ in Obama’s Terror Speech

‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ in Obama’s Terror Speech

JUAN COLE: Some praise is due but Obama remains wedded to the idea that extra-judicial assassination is an effective counter-terror tool.

 Ramzy Baroud

‘We Can Blow Things Up’: America’s Power in the Middle East

‘We Can Blow Things Up’: America’s Power in the Middle East

RAMZY BAROUD: America’s current role as impotent looker-on is unprecedented in recent Middle Eastern history. This situation won’t continue indefinitely

 Common Ground News Service

African-American Integration in U.S ‘A Model for Muslims’

African-American Integration in U.S  ‘A Model for Muslims’

JOCEYLINE CESARI, CGNEWS: Muslim communities across the globe need to take inspiration from the African-American community on how to integrate within indigenous societies

 Juan Cole

The Great Benghazi Forgery: So Who’s Really Behind It?

The Great Benghazi Forgery: So Who’s Really Behind It?

JUAN COLE: There was a sustained attempt prior to the last U.S election to portray Barack Obama first as a latter day Jimmy Carter then as a Richard Nixon figure. Who did this?

 Jonathan Cook

Israel’s Samson Complex: Will Anyone ‘Pick Up the Phone?’

Israel’s Samson Complex: Will Anyone ‘Pick Up the Phone?’

JONATHAN COOK: Here we go again with another re-heated so-called peace initiative. But the foundations on which it’s built are familiar and fragile

 Ramzy Baroud

Thriving: The ‘Hate All Muslims Industry’ Is ‘In Full Flow’

Thriving: The ‘Hate All Muslims Industry’ Is ‘In Full Flow’

RAMZY BAROUD: The anti-Muslim brigade who take to the media at every possible opportunity received another boost with the Boston bombing.

 Juan Cole

The Rise and Rise of Solar Power: Everyone’s Getting It

The Rise and Rise of Solar Power: Everyone’s Getting It

JUAN COLE: The precipitous fall in the cost of generating solar power has resulted in traditionally oil-dependent nations such as Saudi Arabia investing heavily in it for domestic power production.

 The View From Fez

Diplomacy Undone: Rice’s Disastrous Moroccan Blunder

Diplomacy Undone: Rice’s Disastrous Moroccan Blunder

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: As the plot to a Hollywood movie it would have been thrown out as incredible. But fact beat fiction this week in Morocco

 Ramzy Baroud

A Starbucks, A Golf Course and a Pub: The ‘Guantanamo Zoo’

A Starbucks, A Golf Course and a Pub: The ‘Guantanamo Zoo’

RAMZY BAROUD: Barack Obama promised to close Guantanamo Bay but still it remains open. And what a bizarre place it has become.

 Juan Cole

Obama Telephones Putin: Regional Implications of Boston

Obama Telephones Putin: Regional Implications of Boston

JUAN COLE: It’s clear that reverberations from the Boston bombings will spread to Chechnya and beyond. How will it impact the U.S view of Syria?

 Ramzy Baroud

Turkey’s Dilemma: Fence-Sitting Not A Viable Option

Turkey’s Dilemma: Fence-Sitting Not A Viable Option

'Confused’ may be an appropriate term to describe Turkey’s current foreign policy in the Middle East and Israel in particular. The source of that confusion - aside from the appalling violence in Syria and earlier in Libya – is Turkey’s own mistakes.

RAMZY BAROUD: Turkey’s attempt to re-position itself as a fulcrum between East and West has come unstuck…

 Francis Matthew

Tangled: The CIA’s Confused Middle East Web

Tangled: The CIA’s Confused Middle East Web

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has got itself into the confused position of fighting Sunni fighters in Iraq, but supporting some of them in Syria.

FRANCIS MATTHEW: The CIA is in the position of fighting Sunni fighters in Iraq, but supporting them in Syria.


72 Hours With Obama: He’s Israel’s BFF

72 Hours With Obama: He’s Israel’s BFF

If you ever had a burning desire to see the American-Israeli alliance shine, there wasn't a better place to be than Jerusalem last week.

MONDOWEISS: If you had a desire to see the U.S.-Israeli alliance shine, there wasn’t a better place than Jerusalem last week.


Obama The Tourist: Little Hope Among Palestinians

Obama The Tourist: Little Hope Among Palestinians

ALLISON DEGER, MONDOWEISS: You won’t find many people in Ramallah whose expectations of President Obama’s visit are higher than rock bottom

 Ramzy Baroud

‘Roar Like A Mouse’: International Voices on Palestine

‘Roar Like A Mouse’: International Voices on Palestine

More bad news emerged from Israel in recent weeks. Indeed, good news is seldom associated with Israel and its military occupation and institutionalized discrimination and mistreatment of Palestinians.

RAMZY BAROUD: ‘The facts on the ground’ quicken day by day as the voices raised in opposition grow more feeble

 Juan Cole

The Sequester: Israel Moves to Protect its ‘Aid’

The Sequester: Israel Moves to Protect its ‘Aid’

JUAN COLE: Since Israel is a middle-income country with a nominal per capita income higher than Spain or South Korea, it is mysterious why the US taxpayer should outright give it so much money every year…

 Ramzy Baroud

Turkey and Israel: A Thaw’s In the Air

Turkey and Israel: A Thaw’s In the Air

RAMZY BAROUD: There are unmistakeable signs that the atmosphere between Turkey and Israel is becoming distinctly warmer

 Juan Cole

The Problem With ‘Argo’: An Orientalist Viewpoint

The Problem With ‘Argo’: An Orientalist Viewpoint

JUAN COLE: The Iranian ‘baddies’ come from a very old school of stock Middle Eastern characters. Wouldn’t it have been a good idea to show why they were angry?

 Ramzy Baroud

A Lesson for Iraq: The Perseverance of Sinbad

A Lesson for Iraq: The Perseverance of Sinbad

RAMZY BAROUD: Ten years on from the onset of the Iraq invasion with all the horror and despair that has accumulated there is hope in the shape of a character from a children’s story


Thickening Plot: The Curious Case of Prisoner X

Thickening Plot: The Curious Case of Prisoner X

MONDOWEISS: No wonder Binyamin Netanyahu was so keen to keep a lid on the story behind Ben Zygler. We still have a way to go with the story though