Common Ground News Service

“Religion for God, Egypt for All”: Interfaith Success

“Religion for God, Egypt for All”: Interfaith Success

MAGDY AZIZ TOBIA, CGNEWS: The Family Home Initiative launched earlier this year has helped bring Muslims and Copts closer together.

 Rania Al Malky

In New Egypt, Old Divides Still Rule

In New Egypt, Old Divides Still Rule

RANIA AL MALKY: Muslim residents attacked the home and shops of Coptic tailor, Murad Girgis following a relationship between him and a Muslim woman.

 Juan Cole

Gingrich’s Crusade: It’s not an ‘Arab Spring’, it’s ‘an anti-Christian Spring’

Gingrich’s Crusade: It’s not an ‘Arab Spring’, it’s ‘an anti-Christian Spring’

JUAN COLE: In their quest to find an ABM (‘Anyone But Mitt’), the American Right have hit upon Gingrich. Let’s hear what he has to say about the MidEast.