Dhofari Gucci

Maghboor: A Little Light Rant Against Oman’s Dowry System

Maghboor: A Little Light Rant Against Oman’s Dowry System

DHOFARI GUCCI: It’s illogical, unfair and costly so maybe it’s time to look anew at the “maghboor’, Oman’s dowry system


The ‘Society’ Excuse: Sorry, It No Longer Washes

The ‘Society’ Excuse: Sorry, It No Longer Washes

EMAN AL NAFJAN: When women are stopped driving in Saudi Arabia it’s generally a policeman who does the stopping.

 Susan Al Shahri

‘Cousin Marriage’ in Dhofar: Dangers Are Ignored

‘Cousin Marriage’ in Dhofar: Dangers Are Ignored

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: Its practice is still extremely common in the south of Oman. The obsession with keeping the tribe pure comes at a price though.

 Common Ground News Service

Marriage Debate ‘Touches Raw Nerve’ in Lebanon

Marriage Debate ‘Touches Raw Nerve’ in Lebanon

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: The attempt by a Sunni woman and a Shi’a man to effect a civil marriage in Lebanon has brought the issue of national identity to the fore

 The View From Fez

Polygamy ‘the Answer to Morocco’s Marriage Woes’

Polygamy ‘the Answer to Morocco’s Marriage Woes’

According to a recent report in Le Soir, estimates from the Moroccan High Commission For Planning (HCP) found the median age for marriage in Morocco was 31 for men and 27 for women.There are many reasons for this – more years spent studying, and the high cost of housing and wedding ceremonies being the most […]

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

The Anxiety of Wedding Gifts: A Golden Issue

The Anxiety of Wedding Gifts: A Golden Issue

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: The price of gold goes up and up and up. It’s a major concern for parents.

 American Bedu

Western Women: The Perils of Marrying a Saudi Man

Western Women: The Perils of Marrying a Saudi Man

AMERICAN BEDU: It seems obvious but the main reason many Saudi men marry Westerners is because they’re not Saudi.

 Susan Al Shahri

Polygamy: It’s A Disaster For Women

Polygamy: It’s A Disaster For Women

SUSAN AL SHAHRI: Polygamy is still relatively common in Dhofar but I don’t know any woman enduring this situation who’s happy with their lot.

 The View From Fez

Speed Dating: Acceptable in Morocco?

Speed Dating: Acceptable in Morocco?

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: The lengthy (some would say tortuous) procedure that is marriage in Morocco is putting people off the institution. A radical solution has been suggested.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Women and Marriage: What’s in it For Us?

Women and Marriage: What’s in it For Us?

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Why should women get married? The lived reality for women that is wildly different from the theory of matrimonial bliss.

 American Bedu

How Arranged Marriage Works in Saudi Arabia

How Arranged Marriage Works in Saudi Arabia

AMERICAN BEDU: It’s a myth grooms and brides have no say in their choice of partner. Not so. In fact the process can involve many members of each party’s family.

 Susie of Arabia

‘Inside Outsider’: Advice on living in Saudi

‘Inside Outsider’: Advice on living in Saudi

SUSIE OF ARABIA: How do you fit in when living in Saudi Arabia if you’re not fully Saudi? Here’s some sage advice from a half-Saudi, half-American woman.

 American Bedu

Saudi and Marriage: Match Not Made in Heaven

Saudi and Marriage: Match Not Made in Heaven

AMERICAN BEDU: It’s official – Saudi Arabia has the highest divorce rate in the world despite the fact that, contrary to popular opinion it’s not so easy to secure a divorce in the Kingdom.


Online Dating: A Muslim Guide on How to Be Safe

Online Dating: A Muslim Guide on How to Be Safe

MUNIRA LEKOVIC EZZELDINE, SUHAIBWEBB: With Muslims turning to online dating sites what are the pros and cons of establishing a relationship via the Web.

 Crossroads Arabia

Consanguine Marriage: ‘Genetic Roulette’ in Saudi Arabia

Consanguine Marriage: ‘Genetic Roulette’ in Saudi Arabia

CROSSROADS ARABIA: A large proportion of marriages in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia are between relatives. It’s creating major challenges for the authorities.


6 Things Never To Say to a Divorced Person

6 Things Never To Say to a Divorced Person

AMAL KILLAWI, ZARINAH NADIR, SUHAIWEBB: Divorce is not easy, but it’s reality for 60% of Saudi couples, while a divorce occurs every 6 minutes in Egypt.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Love Lost: When Politics and Marriage Collide

Love Lost: When Politics and Marriage Collide

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Politics and marriage might seem worlds apart. But recent cases suggest there are more agendas than we might think.

 Crossroads Arabia

Saudi Marriages: No Complication is too Bizarre…

Saudi Marriages: No Complication is too Bizarre…

CROSSROADS ARABIA: When it comes to marriages in the KSA, no complication is too bizarre. Now a cousin is able to nullify marriage on the basis of family origin.

 Crossroads Arabia

Rising Wave of Saudi Spinsters, the Shame of Divorce

Rising Wave of Saudi Spinsters, the Shame of Divorce

CROSSROADS ARABIA: An increasing number of Saudi women are choosing not to get married, while divorcees are facing growing discrimination.


The Ingredients of a Successful Marriage: The Missing Link

The Ingredients of a Successful Marriage: The Missing Link

YASMINE MOGAHED: But won’t this unconditional respect towards one’s husband put us, as women, in a weak, submissive position? Quite the contrary…