The View From Fez

Moroccan Tourism: Set for Up-Market Boom?

Moroccan Tourism: Set for Up-Market Boom?

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: Are we on the cusp on the major boom for the Moroccan property market driven by cash-rich tourists? Views are mixed.


Beaten But Unbowed: Syrian Author Writes On

Beaten But Unbowed: Syrian Author Writes On

M. LYNX-QUALEY: His hand was broken by thugs last week but celebrated novelist Khaled Khalifa continues his work

 The View From Fez

Quixotic?: Morocco’s Bid for the Olympics

Quixotic?: Morocco’s Bid for the Olympics

IBN WARRAQ, THE VIEW FROM FEZ: As a Moroccan one always approaches articles written about the country with trepidation…

 Juan Cole

Tunisia Votes Itself into Political Pluralism

Tunisia Votes Itself into Political Pluralism

JUAN COLE: The latter two mentioned are secular, and al-Nahda needs these secular allies to run the government, not to mention achieve a majority.