Syria News Wire

ISyria’s ‘e-Revolution’: It’s A Constant Game of ‘Cat and Mouse’

ISyria’s ‘e-Revolution’: It’s A Constant Game of ‘Cat and Mouse’

NEWS FROM SYRIA: At first the authorities in Syria were caught unawares at how ‘new technology’ was used against them. But they caught on quickly.

 Naseem Tarawnah

New Urgency For Anti Cyber Censorship Day

New Urgency For Anti Cyber Censorship Day

NASEEM TARAWNAH: We have seen just what happens at the hands of the Internet. We have witnessed the possibilities and seen them realized in countries like Tunisia and Egypt…

 Michael J. Totten

Libya: People are People, Even When World’s Apart

Libya: People are People, Even When World’s Apart

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Two years ago I spent time in Libya. It seems like a good time to revisit my experience of a kind people but an overarching, clamping presence.