Steve Royston

A Billion Images is Worth a Trillion Words

A Billion Images is Worth a Trillion Words

STEVE ROYSTON: If it is possible to build a Wikipedia in ten years, is it not also possible to build a disciplined, structured resource that delivers images – both moving and static – in a similar manner?

 Michael J. Totten

Wikileaks: History Lessons for the Stupid

Wikileaks: History Lessons for the Stupid

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Surely somewhere there’d be references to a war for oil in Iraq if the war was, in fact, about oil.

 Shibli Zaman

How the Muslims Killed ‘Count Dracula’

How the Muslims Killed ‘Count Dracula’

SHIBLI ZAMAN: This Ottoman general had a greater war, a war against darkness. He hunted the very progenitor of the vampire legend who impaled his enemies and drank their blood – Vlad al III-lea Tepes, also known as Vlad Draculea, who would go down in infamy as, simply, Dracula.

 Steve Royston

The Power, and the History, of the Thaler

The Power, and the History, of the Thaler

STEVE ROYSTON: Thaler Tales was published in 2006, so this is not exactly a hot-off-the-press post. But hey, the thaler’s been around for 250 years, so no matter.