mai abdul rahman

UN Palestinian Vote Heralds ‘Birth of New World Order’

UN Palestinian Vote Heralds ‘Birth of New World Order’

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s not just the scale of the victory but it’s what it tells us about a new, emerging world order that is important.

 Steve Royston

US Elections: 10 Subjects Obama and Romney Won’t Debate

US Elections: 10 Subjects Obama and Romney Won’t Debate

STEVE ROYSTON: Preparation involves coming up with diversionary tactics whenever the question is likely to produce a response unpalatable to the listening millions.


The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire

 The Moor Next Door

Obama’s Speech: The Key Points Made

Obama’s Speech: The Key Points Made

THE MOOR NEXT DOOR: There was little new in Obama’s ‘Arab Spring’ speech. Nervous light criticism of Bahrain, no reference to Gulf allies and a minor poke of Israel.

 mai abdul rahman

Opening of Rafah Crossing to Usher in New Dawn

Opening of Rafah Crossing to Usher in New Dawn

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: Allowing the Rafah will undoubtedly end the absolute and confounding isolation of the Gazans and the need of smuggling through the tunnels.


The Top Terrorist Organisation For the U.S.? Not Muslim…

The Top Terrorist Organisation For the U.S.? Not Muslim…

MUSTAFA OMAR: When it comes to the white-hot issue of terrorists who threaten American citizens perception, unfortunately, is very far from reality.


Obama’s Advice to Troubled Leaders: ‘Hang on in There’

Obama’s Advice to Troubled Leaders: ‘Hang on in There’

MONDOWEISS: ‘Regime alteration’ is the new buzz phrase in the Washington corridors of power. The Obama administration is advocating a ‘tortoise’ rather than a ‘hare’ strategy to those seeking change in the region. Will it resonate?

 Omar al-Issawi

Our Letter to America… “We the People…”

Our Letter to America… “We the People…”

OMAR AL-ISSAWI: Please show respect to these people who have sacrificed their lives, shed blood, endured brutality, battled a 21st Century cavalry of camels…

 Naseem Tarawnah

Wikileaks, Jordan and the ‘Tentacles of Iran’

Wikileaks, Jordan and the ‘Tentacles of Iran’

NASEEM TARAWNAH: One particular cable is a rather clear reflection of its stance and growing concerns regarding Iran – “Beware the Iranian Tentacles … and Cut Them Off,” reads the summary…