Juan Cole

Malala: A Heroine Who Represents the Majority

Malala: A Heroine Who Represents the Majority

JUAN COLE: The Taliban are widely despised among the population of rural Pakistan. The biggest threat facing girls in this environment is a government that doesn’t care

 Steve Royston

US Elections: 10 Subjects Obama and Romney Won’t Debate

US Elections: 10 Subjects Obama and Romney Won’t Debate

STEVE ROYSTON: Preparation involves coming up with diversionary tactics whenever the question is likely to produce a response unpalatable to the listening millions.

 Rob L. Wagner

Maids Caught in Middle of Saudi, Indonesia Spat

Maids Caught in Middle of Saudi, Indonesia Spat

ROB L. WAGNER: Saudi Arabian and Indonesian intransigence has put maids needing work and Saudis help between a rock and a hard place.