Rob L. Wagner

The Dangerous Tightrope that Saudi Women Walk

The Dangerous Tightrope that Saudi Women Walk

ROB L. WAGNER: There is no proscription in the Quran of women in the workplace but the existing guardianship laws are a major obstacle.

 Juan Cole

‘All Praise to George W. Bush’: The Top Ten Myths of the Arab Spring

‘All Praise to George W. Bush’: The Top Ten Myths of the Arab Spring

JUAN COLE: So much that is misinformed, over-hyped and simply plain wrong has been written about the Arab Spring. So let’s sort the wheat from the chaff.

 Juan Cole

Democratic Progress Despite Arab Upheavals

Democratic Progress Despite Arab Upheavals

JUAN COLE: Events are moving quickly in the region, and here are some notable developments with implications for democracy in the Middle East.

 Juan Cole

Gingrich’s Crusade: It’s not an ‘Arab Spring’, it’s ‘an anti-Christian Spring’

Gingrich’s Crusade: It’s not an ‘Arab Spring’, it’s ‘an anti-Christian Spring’

JUAN COLE: In their quest to find an ABM (‘Anyone But Mitt’), the American Right have hit upon Gingrich. Let’s hear what he has to say about the MidEast.

 James M. Dorsey

GCC: Winds of Change Kept At Bay – At What Price?

GCC: Winds of Change Kept At Bay – At What Price?

JAMES M. DORSEY: Their reluctance to be proactive rather than reactive has so far shielded the GCC from the revolt. The question is for how long, and what’s the price?

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

People, Not Technology, are Agents for Change

People, Not Technology, are Agents for Change

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Let’s not diminish the creativity and courage of the Arab Spring by attributing great sacrifice to amorphous, faceless technology.


‘Arab Spring’ Is All About Sex, Apparently

‘Arab Spring’ Is All About Sex, Apparently

DANIEL M. VARISCO: Here we go again. ‘Orientalist Historian Takes Warped Freudian View of Entire Arab population.’ Hmm, what about all those women who were in Tahrir Square?

 David Roberts

‘Arab Spring’ Map: Not to be Taken too Seriously

‘Arab Spring’ Map: Not to be Taken too Seriously

DAVID ROBERTS: The author clearly has, how should we put it?, an incomplete knowledge of the region but it’s an amusing take on recent regional events.