Juan Cole

Top Ten Myths about the Libyan Revolution

Top Ten Myths about the Libyan Revolution

JUAN COLE: It is worthwhile reviewing the myths about the Libyan Revolution that led so many observers to make so many fantastic or just mistaken assertions about it.

 James M. Dorsey

Assad Criticism Isolates Iran, Fails to Tackle Key Issues

Assad Criticism Isolates Iran, Fails to Tackle Key Issues

JAMES M. DORSEY: Irrespective of his motives, King Abdullah has made a major contribution to the ending of the bloodletting in Syria.

 James M. Dorsey

Arab League Exhibits Its Impotence (Again)

Arab League Exhibits Its Impotence (Again)

JAMES M. DORSEY: The AL’s newly appointed secretary general, denounced the Obama administration for declaring the Syrian leader had lost legitimacy.

 Juan Cole

Assad Plays the ‘Palestinian Card’ – Again

Assad Plays the ‘Palestinian Card’ – Again

PAUL NOTAR, INFORMED COMMENT: He’s always been a skilful player of ‘the Palestinian Card’ but as the region changes his hold on that particular narrative is no longer exclusive.

 Juan Cole

Top Ten Mistakes of the Libyan ‘Intervention’

Top Ten Mistakes of the Libyan ‘Intervention’

JUAN COLE: I believe it’s legal but that doesn’t mean that the West’s military intervention in Libya has been wisely handled.

 James M. Dorsey

Syria: Where Inaction Becomes Complicity

Syria: Where Inaction Becomes Complicity

JAMES M. DORSEY: Syria’s increasingly brutal crackdown on anti-government protesters begs the question: when does inaction morph into complicity?

 Steve Royston

Where is the ‘Arab Lobby’ in the United States?

Where is the ‘Arab Lobby’ in the United States?

STEVE ROYSTON: There are many reasons why the ‘Arab Voice’ is so weak in the United States. But that doesn’t give leaders and opinion formers an excuse.

 Omar al-Issawi

The Day the Death Knell Rang for Syria’s Regime?

The Day the Death Knell Rang for Syria’s Regime?

OMAR AL-ISSAWI: The Syrian authorities have made their decision – it’s to be full-scale repression. The choice threatens to tear the country apart.

 Michael J. Totten

No Big Sleep for the MidEast’s Remaining Thugs

No Big Sleep for the MidEast’s Remaining Thugs

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Now that the Arab revolt is slamming hard into Bashar al-Assad’s Baath Party in Syria, no dictator will be able to sleep without consuming copious amounts of pills.

 Common Ground News Service

Democracy Gets off to ‘a Flying Start’ in Egypt

Democracy Gets off to ‘a Flying Start’ in Egypt

JASON PETRUCCI: An impressive turnout, an engaged electorate, robust debate – the constitutional referendum in Egypt has given the people a taste of real democracy in action.

 Juan Cole

‘Our Luck’, A President That Gets Complexity

‘Our Luck’, A President That Gets Complexity

JUAN COLE: President Obama’s speech last night demonstrated clearly the qualities of leadership that those who seek to challenge him simply do not possess.


The Price of Intervention: Can the U.S. Afford It?

The Price of Intervention: Can the U.S. Afford It?

ISSA KHALAF, MONDOWEISS: The price of military intervention always comes at a higher price than initially anticipated. Can the United States afford to intervene in Libya?

 Omar al-Issawi

Time for Libya, Region’s Leaders, to Show Mettle

Time for Libya, Region’s Leaders, to Show Mettle

OMAR AL-ISSAWI: As Gaddafi begins to sound more and more like Saddam Hussein the rebels must now take advantage of the ‘No Fly Zone’.

 Jonathan Cook

Global Unpopularity Wearing Down Israel

Global Unpopularity Wearing Down Israel

JONATHAN COOK: Benjamin Netanyahu’s advisers conceded last week that the Israeli prime minister is more downcast than they have ever seen him.

 Steve Royston

Realpolitik: Leaders Fiddle While Libyans Burn

Realpolitik: Leaders Fiddle While Libyans Burn

Like millions of others, I’ve been watching, transfixed, as the drama in Libya plays out. I’ve also been listening to pundits and politicians on various channels as they debate and comment on the current situation. There appears to be a wide consensus – Venezuela and Zimbabwe excepted – that Colonel Gaddafi and his regime have […]

 Ramzy Baroud

Tunisia: How We Got Here and the Task Ahead

Tunisia: How We Got Here and the Task Ahead

RAMZY BAROUD: In Tunisia that ‘unprecedented anger” has reaped unprecedented results, leaving Tunisia with the great task of rebuilding a civil society.

 Michael J. Totten

What the Wikileaks reveal about the Arab League

What the Wikileaks reveal about the Arab League

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: The publication of these leaks is eerily reminiscent of the Pentagon Papers, which exposed a decade-long attempt by U.S. officials to distort and conceal unpalatable truths about Vietnam.

 Ramzy Baroud

Obama – Surrendering Palestinian Rights

Obama – Surrendering Palestinian Rights

RAMZY BAROUD: It looks like President Obama will finish his term having secured no advance in Arab-Israeli negotiations. The Israelis do the talking, Washington does the listening. And the giving…

 Jonathan Cook

Obama’s Bribe – Palestinians the Losers … Again

Obama’s Bribe – Palestinians the Losers … Again

JONATHAN COOK: This concession and the outlines of a previous US peace proposal under Clinton hint at Washington’s most likely strategy. East Jerusalem will be divided, with the large settlement blocs, handed over to Israel…