The View From Fez

Dutch ‘Abortion Ship’ Blocked By Moroccan Navy

Dutch ‘Abortion Ship’ Blocked By Moroccan Navy

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: Up to 700 abortions are performed in Morocco per day, according to activists, even though the practice is illegal.

 Syria News Wire

Assad, the Arab League and More Death in Syria

Assad, the Arab League and More Death in Syria

SYRIA NEWS WIRE: The Arab League mission is close to collapse;physically attacked on the streets, verbally attacked by Assad. And the killing continues.

 Lucy Emmerson

Egyptian Blogger Jailed: What Sort of Democracy is This?

Egyptian Blogger Jailed: What Sort of Democracy is This?

LUCY EMMERSON: The case of Maikel Nabil, and that of many other writers, highlights the utter lack of respect for freedom of expression that currently exists in Egypt.