Rachel McArthur

Fadel: Genuine or ‘Bandwagon Jumper’?

Fadel: Genuine or ‘Bandwagon Jumper’?

RACHEL MC ARTHUR: He’s been getting a lot of attention but what’s really behind his criticism of Basher al Assad?

 Abu Muhammed

Jack Daniels In Arabia: No Thank You

Jack Daniels In Arabia: No Thank You

ABU MOHAMMED: Alcohol is banned in most Islamic countries but it still wreaks considerable damage since it can still be accessed relatively easily

 Syria News Wire

365 Days That Changed Syria Forever

365 Days That Changed Syria Forever

SYRIA NEWS WIRE: It began with a small demonstration by young people in Deraa. The flames have spread and now engulf the nation.

 Juan Cole

Israel: Extinguishing the Last Light in Palestine

Israel: Extinguishing the Last Light in Palestine

JUAN COLE: The Israeli government deliberately does not give Palestinians building permits [for solar energy], because it wants them to emigrate.

 Crossroads Arabia

Saudi: Filipino, Indonesian Ban Continues

Saudi: Filipino, Indonesian Ban Continues

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Philippine, Indonesia making “illogical” demands over the pay and conditions their citizens will receive – Saudi Labor Ministry.